Crackers... Why Do They Do It??

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by lecsiy, Apr 14, 2006.

  1. lecsiy

    lecsiy Regular member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    I was just wondering, im not agreeing with it or anything but...

    you know of hackers that spend there days hacking into programmes to get serial codes or Keygens to unlock random programmes for people.

    Well why do they do it?

    They dont get paid.... isnt it just a waste of time?

    Also its dangerous if they got caught! So why the hell do they do it for people theyve never met?

    I just dont really understand it!

    Any ideas?
  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    First those people aren't hackers..They are Crackers..A totally different thing.
    They do it for some gain along the line somewhere, even if only the buzz of doing it. There are some nice cracking groups out in the wild, but most have links with some rather dodgy, to say the least, organisations.

    A true hacker is creative..something doesn't work in a way that is useful, a program needs some feature it doesn't have, and they create a patch or a workaround that solves the problem. The Linux community is full of proper hackers. People who just want things to work better.

    I have done some small hacking in my time..Virus-proofing XP being my latest work, by setting it up like a unix machine and making certain important files and parts of the operating system that deal with the registry read only...Things I know are vulnerable to virus exploits like csrss.exe and regedit.exe..I'm obviously not going to give a full list of what I am up to as it's still work in progress..and I don't have a license to sell a modified version of xp, which even if I give my modifications away..Or the instructions to do them yourself I can get in big trouble..

    The end result so far is a machine that has been running xp-pro for 14 weeks online constantly, with no down time, and no virus or spyware...
    It's not exactly a user friendly beast unless you know a fair bit about unix type systems..and have a real understanding of the modifications that have been carried out.
    It is not possible <for instance> to just install a program..certain files have to be made read-write, A registry entry has to be made, links have to be put into the kernel, and then it has to be made safe again..Apart from the making safe that's about everything M$ stuff does when you agree to install some software...That's what makes XP so unsafe in the wild..Programs can arrive and install without the user having any understanding of what is happening..A virus doesn't even comes with the button already clicked!!..

    Hope that answers some of your question about hacking..why we do it, and what we get out of it..

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