I found this site that sells all types of hardware really cheap, so i had a look at their PCs and was shocked Intel CeleronD 325 2.53GHz Processor 80Gb ATA133 7200rpm Hard Disk Drive 256Mb DDR400 memory CD Writer 56k Fax Modem Integrated 10/100 Network Card 3.5" Floppy Disk Drive Speakers, Keyboard, and Mouse 4 USB2.0 Ports A PC on this site i found costs just £179.99 cheap or what, i was so shocked at this cheapo price i feel like buying one even though i have a phat PC already, i'd buy it just because its cheap and ill feel like im missing out if i dont buy one! And you can just replace the CD Writer with a CD/DVD writer easy I'm not going to say what site is it because that is advertising and thats not allowed. But yeah, i might buy one lol ^^
give me a pm and ill check it out. looks too good to be true. u cant buy the parts and software for that.
If you reside in the US +/- Canada region then here's a good site to look at http://www.pricewatch.com. You can choose from barebones to complete systems and configure your PC to your hearts delight for a pretty good price. Hardware component prices here are also reasonable. BTW I'm not affiliated with this site. I have only bought parts from them.