I have an AMD K6-2/350 with a 60 gig new harddisk and im trying to run xandros linux on it (hoping to speed it up) and my fist prolbem is it keeps recognizing it as slave, not master, iv messed with the shunts on the harddisk and the standard CMOS steup but can't get it. But thats not the real prolbem when i load my burned xandros cd it loads but gets stuck on initializing kernel or if i select custom setup it says CRC Error the hardidsk doesnt have an OS on it so i can't download a CRC Error fixer. Please someonew help me!
set the hd as master, try a cd/dvd disc cleaner on the rom drive & wash the cd in warm soapy water & dry with a soft cloth
i have set the hd on master but it still comes back as slave and the cd was just burned 5 min before first try but i'l try to clean it anyway.
what does the bios see if jumper was in default for master & not cap limit. also is the hd the only drive on that cable??
that hd is the only hd on the cable and the bios doesnt see it at all if it is in the master position or slave
how much ram is on the k6-2 350 computer & what is the specs needed for linux. can you try the 60gig hd & linux in place of your windows & current hd(s)??
the memory test comes up with aroung 393m or ram and linux requires: Any Intel Pentium or Celeron processor. Any AMD K6/II/III, Duron, Athlon, Athlon XP/MP processor 128 MB 1.5 GB of available space (minimum)
and it had a 2.115 gig hd with windows me with an imbeded virus, and i'v been up to this point been trying to make the 60 gig hd work with no OS NEW
right now don't know if crc error is to do with the 60gig as slave yet jumpered as master or if with the cd. that is why i suggested try the 60gig hd as master on other computer without windows hd hooked up to see if still get error or not.
crc http://www2.rad.com/networks/1994/err_con/crc.htm kernel http://www.bellevuelinux.org/kernel.html