Creating a disc of previews.

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by bluetuna7, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. bluetuna7

    bluetuna7 Member

    Feb 4, 2007
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    I decided to send a copy of my movie collection on DVD to my high school sweetheart. (I'm 45, and we STILL have the same tastes, even after all these years!) I thought a neat idea might be to create a seperate pair of DVDs that show all the theatrical trailers for the movies in this collection that she could watch before looking at all the titles. (there are 77 in the collection.)

    I use CloneDVD2, and I'm familiar with how to add or subtract particular chapters, but what's the best way to pick out JUST the trailers, and then paste all of them onto a seperate disc?

    Also, not all of the discs HAVE a trailer chapter, though I can find the trailer online.

    What's the best way to add these "foreign" files to the mix?

    This question goes out to all the guys (and gals!) who still have a friendship with their first loves! Help me make an old friend VERY happy, please!
  2. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Well I don't have a friendship or even remember my first love (there where so many) ;-)

    Anyway I would suggest you use DVDShrink to combine those files together. Though I don't have a guide for this I believe if you read this one it will give you a good idea of what you can do Episode Guide and if you look at this one Setting start end frames. Then you should have a good idea as to what I am talking about. Just cut out each trailer and process individually to your hard drive. Once you have them all on your hard drive you can then go back and use Shrink in re-author mode to get them all together.

    Now the downloaded trailers might be a bit tricky, but it is possible use this guide DivXtoDVD after downloading the file to convert the file to a DVD compliant file. Then you can also add that to your collection using DVDShrink to complete the whole process.

    Good Luck

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