Curious about the LG LDA-511...

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by busean, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. busean

    busean Member

    Nov 15, 2005
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    Right now I own a standard JVC progressive scan DVD player. Nothing special about it, and I am running component cables to my 42" high-def plasma tv, with optical wire to my speakers. I currently recieve HD channels, and they look beautiful. I watched Sin City over a HD movie channel and it looked absolutely amazing. Now, I flip on a DVD movie that should look colorful and great, such as Finding Nemo or Lord of the Rings, and it looks nice and all, but it doesn't have that clarity of the HD channels. Now I know that HD channels are not DVDs, but there still should be a great video quality availiable. So... I have been reading the many posts about the LG upscaling DVD player. I have been wanting to look into HDMI for DVD playing, and upscaling sounds pretty nice, so do you think the LG would be a good fit in my position? Would the quality in video be a nice improvement over what I have now?
  2. zrdb

    zrdb Regular member

    Oct 10, 2004
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    I have nothing but praise for my LDA-511, I got it for watching anime avi downloads, it'll play just about anything you throw at it, the LGDVB418 is a good choice too, both can be hacked to upscale through the componet outputs (if you have an older hdtv that doesn't have either HDMI or DVI inputs, like I do) the 418 has a Genesis Farjouda chip that is used for the upscaleing, either way you can't go wrong.

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