You can create an image or animated .gif with Adobe Photoshop and/or Image Ready as well as many other photo editing software. Then get a free image hosting account, for example: or Upload your image there. Then copy the URL (for example: of the image once the upload is complete. When you type your code to show your imag, it will look like the line above starting with . In the middle will be the URL of the picture and then type the last code. Hope this helps.
when and if we get to use Avatar's: this is what mine will look like..i use this on other sites. if ye want to have ye name up in lights,its free go here At FlamingText you can create cool, custom images for FREE,GREAT SITE,THATS IS HOW I MADE MY IRELAND AVATOR below is a test
Fantastic avatar Ireland. I took the easy way out and nicked mine from one of the many animation sites available on the net.
Cant seem to get my avatar to work.Lets try again.I keep getting a link to my avatar instead of the actual avatar.