hello there,just wondering on how to split big music files so that you can put them on cd and if there were any free software you can download to do this. thank you.
Does your query relate to taking one file (wav,mp3,etc) and splitting it so you are left with a clip, or are you referring to ripping an audio CD, saving the files as mp3 then compiling a selection to another, blank, cd?
Well i have alot of 2hour shows as mp3 and basically just want to split these into two parts of one hour each.
Audacity is pretty simple.Drag the file on to it, mark/drag/highlight the area (the time is shown bottom of screen). Play it, etc,when satisfied, 'Edit > 'Trim' > 'File' > 'Save as..'with a new name. http://superb-east.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/audacity/audacity-win-1.2.6.exe