For the CycloDS Evolution owners. I'm troubleshooting this secondhand. I recommended that my cousin buy a CycloDS Evolution for his son. I own an R4, G6Real, and EZ V, so I'm FlashCart literate and savvy, just not the Cyclo. He tells me that he can format the uSD card (FAT32), load ROMs to it, put it in the Cyclo, and it works fine. However, if he takes the uSD card out and puts it back in the USB card reader/PC, it is not recognized and unreadable. My cousin is computer literate and says he has tried several different uSD and card readers with the same result. I am assuming that CycloDS FW is up to date but haven't verified it for sure. I also haven't asked him if he inserts the card back in the Cyclo if it continues to work. Anyone seen/experienced a problem like this? TIA. Try the cyclods forum. The mods there and people are usually fast at replying.
Thank you. I would except new registrations have been disabled by the administrator and you have to be logged in order to post. Thanks anyway.
Wow, did not know they lock down registrations. I'll post a thread up for you and post it back here. Here you go:
Thank you very much. Appreciated but not necessary. I just wanted you to know that I did "try". As much as I harass others for not "trying" I would be most remiss if I was guilty of the offense myself. Thanks again.