I've just bought a Nokia D-Box 2 (plug & play) off ebay and was advised to perform a Service Scan. This I did but the red button (Save settings) doesn't save and it goes on to say no channels found. Can anybody help?
Does it say that it did find channels? Is the red button working at all? if not just scroll to save settings and press OK. If that is not working try other service scans. If that is still not working you might need a different cable.xml put on the box.
It says ERROR - No channels were found - execute a scan. i execute a scan and then it says transponder scan finished successfully but won't save. do you think it might be a software fault?
Does it detect channels at all? It should detect transponders, Then it goes back through them and you should see channel names flicking up below the bit that says e.g. transponders 1/14 I have a box that picks up transponders but no channels
Does it detect channels at all? It should detect transponders, Then it goes back through them and you should see channel names flicking up below the bit that says e.g. transponders 1/14 I have a box that picks up transponders but no channels