having major problems trying to get it all setup and working, someone changed the image to commano6 it will not work fullstop. tried doing a channel scan no programs found,no boquets nothing, WHEN I DO NETWORKTEST SETTING THIS IS WHAT I GET DBOX IS REACHABLE(PING) DEFAULT GATEWAY : IS UNREACHABLE ( HOST OR PROTOCOL ERROR ) DNS SERVER: IS UNREACHABLE ( HOST OR PROTOCOL ERROR ) WIKI.TUXBOX.ORG: VIA IP IS UNREACHABLE( SOCKET ERROR). CAN ANYONE HELP
The network settings will not affect a channel scan. Scan with FAST SCAN OFF or FTP a services file for your location to the box.
tried fast scan in off & on mode be didnt help, only lasted a couple of seconds in fast mode, even when i do a full scan on all TV,RADIO it finds no channels
What provider are you scanning in? Bruteforce UK? try others if you already have not. Do you see any channels being found, or does it not count up any?
Brutefoce UK sorry dont know what that is. Iam in ntl area cableuk sym6952. Cant see or find any channels what so ever
If your using commando 6 Press the blue button then set my location(option 5) Choose your location, once set the box will reboot. once the box has rebooted do a scan(fast scan should be fine) Once the scan has finished you will either need to ftp a boquet file over or go manually create them your self. I find the easiest way to do this is use the yweb interface. hope that helps Conny