D Box Question.....

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by leeb1977, Feb 26, 2007.

  1. leeb1977

    leeb1977 Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    hiya folks, i wonder if i may appeal to you helpful chaps for a bit of advice.

    A friend of mine has given me his old D box (sagem 2 chip variant apparentley??), it all worked as it should when he was first using it - however, during one drunken brain storm he thought he'd have a go at getting himself a few more channels! I know - never a good idea to try and be technical when your under the influence!

    Basically he did a re-scan (he may or may not have changed a few settings along he way - he's not technically minded so i wouldn't put it past him), and ended up loosing all but the free to air channels.

    He's since bought a Starview box and i gained the D box.

    I'm already a legit cable customer so this is simply going to be an added box for me, so Ive managed to get hold of a three way splitter (saw a cable van and asked the guy nicely for it), and I'm going to have a bash and splitting the signal this week.

    Now obviously - Ive not set this D Box up yet... but Ive got a net connection to get hold of anything i may need... and I'll be linking the Box to my LAN.

    i know this question is a bit like the old 'how long is a piece of string'.... but are there any useful tips to restoring the box back to its original state?? Any settings to look out for?

    Also, is there a diagnostic mode that i can access that will tell me whats wrong or whats been changed?

    Ive not got any manuals with the box so I'm totally in the dark and looking for a starting point really.

    any advice at all would be extremely welcome.

    thanks all


    PS - Sorry to be a pain in the arse, i know this is a n00b question!
  2. Fekker

    Fekker Regular member

    Jan 5, 2007
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  3. leeb1977

    leeb1977 Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    thankyou - very kind of you.

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