2 yrs ago, I burned my D8 tapes from my Sony Digital Handycam into SVCD using ULead VideoStudio 6 (editing), Nero Burning ROM 5.XX (burning), & my old Yamaha 16/10/40 drive. All discs play on my standalone Pioneer DVD player. Now I want to burn all my D8 tapes again but this time into DVD-R, for best quality and less discs. Will be getting Pioneer A07XLA drive and Ridata DVD-R's. What software would be recommended? I already have ULead Videostudio 8, and I'm planning to get Nero 6 Ultra Edition? Basically same programs, newer versions. Are they still good? Or are there other suggestions? What about programs like DVDDecrypter, CloneDVD, DVDShrink? Will they have any use for me (considering my main purpose) other than backing up DVD's (which I won't probably do)? Thanks
Nero 6 Nerovision Express and/or Ulead VS8 should work just fine for what you have in mind. Shrink might come in handy if you want to do a bit of trimming or splicing once you get finished with VS8 or Nero. You may even want to use it to compress everything to fit on one disc. The price is right so why not?
Nero Vision Express and/or Ulead VS8 for evrything, including burning? Or would I still need something else for this, Nero Burning ROM or otherwise?
Hi there idoc, Welcome to our little corner of the web Allot of things have changed in 2 years, Nerovision Express (I figured you might like the name considering your nic will take care of the lot - It's like most everything now adays, there are 1/2 dozen ways to get from here to there, it's a nice proggy to render it and burn it to disc - BTW, an excellent choice in media Cheers, Pete _X_X_X_X_X_[small] The “old man” Pete (ö¿ô) Compaq 8000, Pent 4 CPU 2.84GHz, 1024MB RAM, 520GB HD. 4 Drives, JLMS DVD ROM, Pioneer 107, 8X R/W , Nec 4X R/W ND-1300A, AXV CD/DVD-ROM. GeForce4 Ti 4200-128MB, OS– X[/small]
You need to do some re-encoding, You can use TMPGEnc OR you can use CCE SP for a more basic approach - CCE Basic
Idoc When using a 1 click transcoder you will always run into limitations, they were desinged to simplify the process of squeezing larger type 9 DVD's onto a type 5 DVD media. My expereince is that for the most part the slower transcoders that involve greater analysis are better because they do a two pass review of the DVD's contents befoare beginning compression. When you get into backing movies using Cinema Craft you are using a dedicated Encoder the basic version of it's $2000, reference quality big brother. It requires a little more setup to get started but with the introduction of DVDrebuilder it has been and continues to get easier. The quality of the end product is exceptional and barring your willingness to buy an expensive reauthor program such as Adobe preimier (which works with CCE Basic) and CCE Basic's big brother it dosen't get any better than this. BTW the new DVD Shrink has new transcoding feature that improve upon its picture quality.
Hi idoc, You mentioned getting Nero 6 Ultra so you will have the full suite of programs. Normally most folks will do the editing, menus, etc. with NVE and then either write the files to the HDD or create a disc image. Once that is completed you just burn the files or image with Burning ROM. Seems to work out better that way. What do you plan to do later? Are you going to be working with DV? Editing and authoring? NVE works pretty well for what it is and for typical home movies produces resonably good results. Like all low end programs it does have it's limitations though.
Fasfrank: I just plan to transfer all the Hi-8 and D8 tapes onto DVD-R. And maybe backup some of my kids' DVD's (they tend to get scratched up prety fast). Actually, I already got ULead Videostudio 8, so I guess I'll be using it for the editing/rendering/authoring, and Nero Burning ROM for writing to DVD. Thanks