Damaged or corrupt ISO Mode1 /2048 Is it repairable?

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by Wernicke, Oct 7, 2003.

  1. Wernicke

    Wernicke Member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Please and thank you in advance for any help you can give. I searched all threads and could not find this related anywhere, if it is and I missed it please accept my apology. I found some threads but they were about 2352 which I have repaired, or the text was unspecific.

    I have been trying to repair several Mode 1 / 2048 ISO's and all software I have used to attempt this has either failed or explained it cannot be done because M1/2048 does not have the repair info. to begin with (CDMage, Fireburner, etc.. I fear these files have become fragmented on a previous drive and that may have been the source of damage but not sure. Is there any program that can repair mode1/2048 ISO? Is there a program that can convert it to something else and then repair it? I can burn them but can't install them without errors. I would really appreciate any help, Thanks.

    AMD 1800+ MSI,KT3 1GB,pc2700 Iomagic ext. 48x16x48 usb 2.0 Geforce4Ti4800 128mb xppro
  2. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Try converting to BIN and error checking... it might work.. dont count on it though.
  3. Wernicke

    Wernicke Member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Thanks Praetor, I will try that right now.
  4. Wernicke

    Wernicke Member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Converted to Bin, Scanning for corruption now however can only scan Cue and not Bin. Is that normal? Very slow going but will wait to see the outcome. Only at 17% with CDmage corruption scan of Cue. Will report the results.

  5. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Well if you have converted it to a BIN then you would be scanning for a BIN wouldnt you? ;P

    Given your system specs it shouldnt take that long to scan for errors. Also, try scanning the BIN rather than the CUE.
  6. Wernicke

    Wernicke Member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    As I stated, I can convert it to bin but CDMage will not open the Bin file only the Cue. That was my question, is scanning the cue pointless? Also it just locks up anyway and is very slow for a reason unkown to me. From what you wrote I take it I should scan the Bin for coruption not the cue. Is there another program you suggest to scan besides CDMage? Thanks for the help.

  7. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Why won't it open? Try this: (1) Open CDMage, (2) Drag and drop the BIN file onto CDMage..... it should popup a box asking you to select the interpretattion format... trial and error and you should be able to open the BIN. If you can then your BIN is fukt up.

    Not really pointless persay but rather, the CUE just points to the BIN anyways so you might as well scan the BIN directly (I've never been a fan of CUE files)

    CDMage is quite stable so i dont think there is any fault on CDMages' behalf.

    Like i said earlier.... the CUE just points to the BIN. What program did you use to convert the ISO to BIN?


    Laslty, when you convert from ISO to BIN you retain all the errors of the ISO and those errors may even be converted to obscure BIN errors that cannot be detected and/or correct. Also realize that CDMage's error correction utilitiy is only reccommended for very slight errors, anything beyond that and results are not guranteeed. What I mean is that even though the correction works and CDMage fixes the errors, the corrrections may actuall ruin the image in order to brute-force it to comply to a proper cd-image .... hence I only reccommend reparing very slight errors. IMO... you are better off redownloading.
  8. Shoey

    Shoey Guest


    A) Yes this is normal m8.

    Using CDMage and scanning a corrupt file will take a long time as I've used this method one time on my cpu. You'll see the specs of my cpu underneath my sig so be prepared in advance.

    Shoey :)

  9. Wernicke

    Wernicke Member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Sorry for the late response, I have not been at home. Thanks to Praetor and Shoey for their advise. I used "WinISO" to convert from ISO to Bin. It locks up when scanning for coruption. I will try the other way with CDMage as you said Praetor. As you said, the files may be too corupted for CDMage or any program to repair but I will keep trying. Thanks.
  10. Wernicke

    Wernicke Member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Hi all, update. When I converted a different iso to bin that had troubles and scanned for coruption I encountered the following error @ 22% of scan:

    Access violation at address 77357230 in module 'comctl32.dll'. Read of address 056854E4.

    The only option from there is OK. I looked it up and found detailed info. at this link


    The resolution said this only occurs during debugging mode and does not occur during normal usage. I am running XP pro 2002 edition with all Microsoft updates. Any idea's? Thanks.

    Here is the resolution: I have no idea how to do this with CDMage or how it could be done.

    You can prevent this problem from occurring by performing the problematic action before running your application in the debugger. For example, cause the problem to occur (for example, cause an animated ToolTip to be displayed) before running your application in the debugger. This will cause the true function address to be loaded and the true function address is used from then on. _

    Converted Iso to Bin with "Winiso v5.3" and scanned for corruption with "CDMage 1.02.1" .

    This may be nevermind, I clicked on OK and it is continuing but very slow (as Shoey stated but I didn't listen) :). Sorry. I still wouldn't mind understanding why it does this, I will keep studying the database. Thanks.__X_X_X_X_X_[small]Measley A+ Cert.
    AMD Athlon XP 1800+ ~1.5GHz
    MSI KT3 Ultra2
    1280MB pc2700 Kingston
    GeForce4 Ti 4800 SE 128MB
    3x20GB Quantum, 80GB WD, 120GB Maxtor
    Iomagic Ext. USB 2.0 48x16x48 Cdrw
    BenQ int. IDE 32x10x40 Cdrw

    Last edited: Oct 14, 2003
  11. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Load CDMage>scan for corruption>repair corrupted sectors>rebuild sector fields. When all finished burn the file slow at 8x and see if this might work m8.
  12. Wernicke

    Wernicke Member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Thanks Shoey, I'm at 48%, started this 6 hours ago. You were right it takes forever. Along with the MS errors, at least I can continue. I will do what you said as soon as it finishes the corruption scan. I have done this many times but only with mode1/2352 iso's and it was really quick. :) I will try 8x this time again also.

  13. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    This is a long process m8 but it just might work. I managed to repair GTA Vice City (image cd 2) and the long wait was well worth it!

    Shoey :)
  14. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    OMG.... WOW .... eeeeeeeeeeeeekk.... i never take more than like 2 minutes to do a CD scan..... unless im misreading something....
  15. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Have an image on your hd Praetor? Load using CDMage>scan for corruption>select "all checkable tracks". If your file is corrupt (seriously), this will take some time m8.

    Shoey :)
  16. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Yes i guess. I didnt think about the severity of corruption. :S :p

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