Dark Side of OZ

Discussion in 'Audio' started by wolfchief, Feb 21, 2005.

  1. wolfchief

    wolfchief Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    I need to rip my dark side of the moon cd to play over the audio of wizard of oz so i can make my on dvd version of it. My problem is I want to rip the cd as one track then loop it without any gaps so it plays as one long audio track throughout the movie and I don't know how to do that.

  2. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    ah...this reminds me of the days when my buddies and I used to sit there and watch OZ with DSOTM all day and get stoned out of our minds. those were the days.

    I recommend using EAC to rip your CD. be sure to rip it as WAV files, NOT mp3. if you rip as mp3, there will be short gaps at the end of each track, plus you'd reduce the quality of the dvd sound if you compress it to mp3, so leave it as wav. there are a couple free audio editors, like krystal and audacity, and although I've never tried them, I'm sure it will be pretty simple to line all the wav files up, and export as one track. This is just one way of doing it, as I'm sure theres other programs out there that can automatically rip a CD as one whole track.

    be sure to sync the music with the third roar of the lion :)
  3. wolfchief

    wolfchief Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    thanks I will give it a try
  4. billwebso

    billwebso Guest

    Please let us know how this works as I would like to try this too.
  5. mothmann

    mothmann Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    first put dsotm in the cdplayer. press play then pause so its paused at 0:00 of the first track. then play wiz of oz. at the end the 3rd roar unpause the cd then mute wiz of oz. theres a few tell tell signs of knowing u got it right within the first couple minutes. like the scene changes goin with the music and when the producers name shows up the music should change with it. u'll learn how to sync it perfect after doin it a few times.

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