Should Be like what Lethal_B is, Like DarkJello helps people out too and it is always to have one helping when the other is busey writting a tutorial,OR somthing else. IS there anyway We can get him to like be up there,Like I don't know... He shouldn't be just a memeber anymore I see him on here alot, And he knows his stuff.. Anyways. Help me out here anyone, And if it's not possible cool, But just thought I'd suggest it!?!?!?
Thanks for the appreciation. Lethal really is the backbone of this forum though, I wouldn't know to much without his guidance.
Ic Ic, But yeah, still though, He does a Great Job,Excellent, But everyone once in a while even they prolly need help keeping on track of things and helping all the newbies out.. Just thought I don't never mind,Guess Your rank by your name dont mean nothing, As long as you are here everyday right... lol..Hey and when the he11 am i going to be able to become a Junior Member, I have 29 posts it says.. Isn't it like 25 for a Junior memeber??
It is, sometimes it takes some time for the system to register it, and posts in 'Safety Valve' topics don't count towards post count anymore. I'm not saying I'm not gonna help anyone because Lethal is the 'big man' so to speak, but that I wouldn't be nearly as helpful as I am without his help first
Hello, thanks for the comments guys! Chee5e - I try and get in here as often as I can, and I will try and be in here helping newbies out more often (just I have been very busy lately . You're right, it's been a while since I have stayed in here and given some proper help, so you'll see more of me (maybe only a little at first), from now on