i have the ppfs i want and im connected but i dragged the ppf on top of the real map on fxp and i booted up halo 2.. nothing happened.. can someone please explain how i USE the ppfs? thanks. oh and why cant i find relic and terminal? i see maps named dune and deltatap and stuff do they have nicknames? im confused
you have to copy the original files off of the xbox first, then apply the ppf using a prg. it's just a patch file. PPF-O-MATIC can be used and you can get it here: http://www.xbox-saves.com/pafiledb/pafiledb.php?action=download&id=628 "Here is a copy of the readme file for thoese who want to know what this does without downloading it... " Instructions for ultimate deathmatch. 1.download ppf-o-matic from http://www.xbox-saves.com/index.php?category=saves then go to Patches / Patchers / Hacks there you will find ppf-o-matic if you don’t have it already. 2. Load the ftp client you use for transferring files. And delete all files in x y z drives. 3. Load up halo and go to silent cartographer and when it’s loaded, reset the Xbox. 4. Use the ftp client to transfer a file called cache000.map in either your x,y or z drive. 5. Apply the patch “secret-cartographer.ppf” (supplied in this zip) file to cache000.map. 6. When you have done this copy cache000.map back to the drive you got it from. 7. Load up halo and got to the silent cartographer. 8. The modifications are as follows: assault riffle shoots fuel rod projectiles and has shader changes, pistol shoots banshees. Banshee has weird shader change and its primary fire shoots rapid firing fuel rod bullets. Grunts are engineers (weird pink things) But they are underground so you have to bump them and bring them up, or run them over in the warthog. Warthog has a shader change. You can walk up walls. Warthog is super fast. 9. Enjoy!"
ok i installed it. how do i use it? what goes in the iso spot and im GUESSING the ppf goes in the patch spot?
yeah, the files you got shoulda' come with readme's, cause there are specific files in the udata folder where the game stores it's maps and data files. Those files are the ones that need to be modified. Here's part of the readme off of another one : First delete everything in y:/x:/z: Then load Halo and edit a muiltplayer setting so you have all Vehicles on. Start a multiplayer game on Bloodgluch with your edited setting. Then wait for it to come on and quit game and switch off. Ftp and copy cache003.map (from y:/x:/z: which ever it is in) from xbox to pc. Apply Ghost.ppf to cache003.map. Ftp and copy back cache003.map (from y:/x:/z: which ever it is in) form pc to xbox. When done load Halo, multiplayer, Bloodgluch, then your edited setting. The ghost should then be invisible (Not been moved,May be hard to find) and you should be able to fly (like a banshee).
how2mod, there is a post right under this one talking about 360 auto-aim, I assume you would have better luck with those guys.
i didnt get any readmes.... do i need them to move on? and im not sure i understand what your talking about... it sounds like your talking about halo 1??
...hmmm...well, I have never seen ppf's for H2, and was assuming that it was the same, gomen. however, perhaps there is a way, what are the files you got called?
"PPF-O-Matic Put the .map on the top Put the .ppf on the bottom Click apply and your .map file is now modded! Put the modded .map file back where you found it using ftp Make Sure! When you are searching for the .map file, to always click the bottom arrow and change the settings to "all" or then you will not find the .map file, it will only search for images!" Thats for that, so you could try searching for the .maps maybe, I managed to find a deltatap.map on another site, so the originals may be really easy to find. Try looking in & around "...\UDATA\4d530064\B6C056A59091..." I'll keep checking.