Hi All, The Time and Date no longer updates on my MXQ box. When I turn on my box the time and date are 00:00, 02-Jan-1970. This results in none of my apps working. The option to Auto Update time and date is checked in the Advanced Settings. However when I manually update the time and date all is good again until I turn the box off again (standby or full power off). I was clearing out cache files last week and am thinking I might have got over excited and deleted something I shouldn't have had!! I downloaded a ClockSync app but this didn't work either as I keep getting "Can't connect to NTP Server" message. From what I have read this is more a problem with the ISP rather than the app or box. I haven't tried a factory reset yet as I presume I'd lose all the apps that came pre installed. Any help greatly appreciated!!!!
Just use a clock syncing app, when you start the box up just click the app and it will fix the date and time