I have a question. I can purchase the datel media launcher for the nintendo ds for 12.99 from datel my question is will it run emulators on the ds.
I was talking about the datel media luncher for the nintendo ds but thank you for the information on the media launcher for the wii
Susieqbbb, My apologies. That's what you get when trying to search and read with a 6 yr. old on your lap. I owe you one. let me look some more. P.S. Thank for not flaming my earlier reply. You showed a lot more "class" than I might have under the circumstances.
OK, here is what I was able to determine: If it is the "Datel DS Max Media Launcher" that you are inquiring about: Maxconsole has a 3 page review on the device. http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?t=20030 Basically, it's a passme device, which requires a slot-2 card since it has no internal memory of it's own. If you have a slot-2 card just "lying around", it might be a buy a that price. However, RHS has the Superkey for $10.00, and I'm 99% sure that the Superkey will run all emulators (with a slot-2 card, of course.) Datel card @ 12.99 + tax for your locale (plus the gas to go get it). Superkey @ $10.00 + $5.30 shipping Almost seems like a wash. It still depends on you having a slot-2 card. I still have a superkey and Supercard for my spare NDS phat. I can test it for you if you want (since I owe you for my stupid earlier post). What emulator are you wanting to use? P.S. This card is almost 2 yrs. old, in which at least three generations of flashcarts have passsed. $20.00 for a DSTT might be a better deal. (although 5 bucks is 5 bucks)