Dazzle dvc100 help! desperate willing to pay for help!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by matt_jak, Jul 18, 2012.

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  1. matt_jak

    matt_jak Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Ive watched all youtube videos and read the help stuff and i cant fgure out what to do.
    I want to record 720p dazzle stuff from my playstation but im getting i believe 530p res(around that res).

    I have my ps3 Composite/s-video connected to splitters which are connected to my dazzle and another double sided composite cable leading from the spliters to the back of my tv. I have pinnacle studio 14 and AM capture. The quality from AM capture might be 720p but how do i get that to show in pinnacle studio?
    I have a Pal tv i believe. i have sharpness all the way down and i have pal progressive widscreen set and in am capture its secamb.
    This is a example of the quality i can produce http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MH6t5WcNEKI, im aware i shoulda made it 16:9 but thats something ill do in the next vid after i get the 720p rectified.

    P.S im running windows7

    ill give $5 through paypal to who ever gives me the correct solution!
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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