hello everybody i have a sagem dbox sportser uk 1.7 uk02. i have had porblems getting my dbox 2 show anything but black channels so i had decided to transfer over a services.xml file to my dbox . i followed 2 guides in this forum on ftp to dbox and it worked how ever when i go into flashfxp it only picks upi 1 folder and then errors i hav the username nad password right and the ip address can sum1 help me ???
Check you have done all this Go to control panel then network connections right click on local area connection (the one you are using to cnnect to the dbox) and pick properties. there you will see underneath connect your network card, next to this will be a configure tab click on it. then click on the advanced tab you need to look for flow control, duplex, media type or connection type drop the value tab arrow down and set to 10baseT_halfduplex or try automatic or autosense. Give your pc network card a static ip. (same IP range as the dbox, e.g. if dbox is then PC with subnet mask Disable any other network cards you have installed including wireless Disable ics (internet card sharing if available). from dos command test connection with "ping" command i.e. type "ping (whatever is dbox IP address) also check the your dBox does not have a DNS declared or vice versa..
the ping thing worked it sent its 4 packets i did the half duplex thing and no joy internet explorer asks for the username and password and i give root and dbox2 then it just try to retrieve the directories and it just cant get um thanks 4 the help but ne more ideas
Try SmartFTP; http://www.download.com/SmartFTP/3000-2160-10028635.html?part=dl-SmartFTP&subj=dl&tag=button
Try it without a password or username, or try this program, it shows the DBox as a drive in My Computer, double click it and it opens your DBox. http://rapidshare.com/files/16085216/DBOX-Integration-Setup.rar
no joy with that my settings are on my pc ip dns server deafault gateway subet net dbox 2 ip dns gateway broadcast subent i am trying to connect to ip address is there any error in my numbers?
Ok, the network settings on your PC & DBox are not right. Try this. PC: IP SUBNET GATEWAY BROADCAST Dbox: IP SUBNET GATEWAY BROADCAST Disable any other adapters on your PC and you will be able to FTP the DBox.
no that doesnt work thanks for your efforts so far. is there anything else i seems content on a broadcast and dns even though i set it to all 00's and save the settings
All I can suggest is that you have a corrupted image that has gone read only. You would have to flash a new image to the DBox.
Use IFA and a crossover cable & null modem cable, IFA will retrieve the settings from the DBox and use them to flash the box.
fekker thank you for your elp i have got the ftp working with your settings on my other pc my laptop was pants just 1 more question the sportser 1.7 uk02 is that old because the image information says it was made in 2005 i want to update to benifas uk052 is that newer