Hi New Guy to here I was looking to find out if there is a company/person you guys would recommend to supply me with dbox2. Rather than me going blindly on to ebay. Any advice would be appreciated, Cheers
Most the DBoxes come from germany, buying from Ebay is good in my opinion as long as you check the feedback. I, personally, only buy from sellers with 100% feedback. I've noticed UK sellers (from local classifieds etc) charge a premium, and you can end up paying more than you need to. PM if you'd like to know who i bought mine from on Ebay (with 12mths warranty).
are you a trader, wanting to buy so many sell them one for a profit and then not support them, and then these poor buyers will be on this site asking for advise and help.
Thanks a lot Bal 247, I'll PM you. Oops, I seem to have upset zappp64 on my first post? sorry m8. But No I am not a trader????? No idea what made you say that???? I cant see anything in my post that even remotely infers that? I'm just a guy thats been reading this forum, done a little research on dbox2's and think i may buy one, But like most people I'm just trying to find a safe way to do so. I posted here because it seemed like a friendly and helpful forum.
sorry mate didnt mean to sound rather rude, as we do get the odd person asking such a question, as they intend to buy a loads of these boxes, and sell them on for profit yet wont provide support. as for your original question, ebay best place to be honest... you can buy from UK suppliers.
No probs zappp64, I appreciate you taking the time to reply m8. I'm trying to do as much research on this as is possible, so i'm not asking for help every 5 mins if i buy one. I spoke to a m8 today who is an AV repair engineer who has repaired a quite a few of these boxes over the last couple of years and he recommended going for the Sagem one, In his experience there are less hardware probs with those. I dunno if that corresponds to the experiences any members here have had.
And also an apology zappp64, I just noticed a gramatical typo in my original post, I missed out an "a" before "dbox2". I undestand why you asked that now m8, sorry
people have varying views on the best box.. 75% of people trend to say Nokia are more reliable and tend not to freeze as often, like the Sagems, however in my experience I have both a Sagem and Nokia and none of these boxes have caused me major issues, just the usual picture freezing (then again my shit Grundig Sky Digital box freezes every morning)... however the price difference between a Nokia and Sagem is about 20 quid.. as Nokia are more expensive than Sagem.. also prices on EBay for the DBox has increased , when I got mine in September I paid about 90 quid (including shipping) now they are going for £140
Ebay probaly the best bet but its still hit or miss how good your box works even from a good seller. Very hard to tell till you get the box and test it for a couple of weeks which is not possible. Only other way is to try a newer type of box like a dreambox or starview box because they are brand new.