i have a dbox 2 that i have had for about a year now. but all channels have now gone black the menu screen and bars across the bottom come up but no picture the screen remains black. i have rescanned several times but nothing has changed. Can anyone help please?
no need to rescan as the problem is with decrypting the channel do you have access to the dbox via your pc - this way you can apply the permanent fix and it will work.
i guess so i have a rs232 null modem lead somewhere but other than that am completely clueless. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
you need to get a copy of an image file that is correct for your box and then IFA - http://www.hallenberg.com/freedownloads.php - download version 3.1.1 once installed, plug the null modem cable from PC to DBox and switch off dBox run IFA and select image and make sure NULL Modem option is selected when prompted to, switch the DBox on and it will start flashing (on the LCD of the dBox it will say various messages like erasing, flasing, etc). If it doesnt work , keep trying, last one I did last week took about 6 goes before it started. Take about 15 minutes to do.