Hi, I have a strange propblem, my DBoxs are freezing/showing a blaxck screen, the radio gives sound buut stutters, i have two differant like from the cable company and it happens on both, the second link is chained, ie into wall box and back out to the next one, there is three points in the cable, i also have my standard Pace Digibox on the line and a TV, if i put the dbox anywhere but at the last point it consumes all the signal and other digital box cannot work, if i put the pace unit before the dbox then it works and the DBOX gets the same signal but still cannot decode properly the channels, thoes this sound like a damaged tuner etc. Thanks
so can you get the dbox to work at any place in your house with no other boxes connected or does it not work anywhere?
If this has just happened then I would suspect low signal on your cable feeds, especially as both Sagems are affected at the same time. You may also want to remove the modem from the Sagems to see if that improves things.
Hi Fekker, I have a SNR of over 60k at all times, a SIG of 21331 constant and a BER of 120 - 380. But the screen is black and no sound, Any ideas
There's noise on the line or the boxes need re-scanning. Do a new scan & set your bouquets to update. I had problems with high BER on some channels and that cured it.
Hi Guys, I sorted it, i downloaded the Sporter v1.7 from the forums here and then i copyed over a new driver file i had from my DBOX when it orginally worked, avia600vb028.ux rather than avia600vb022.ux included with the sportster image, its located in the ucodes folder, i then selected this as my driver assuming your image give you three images the third being avia 600 driver, this is the one you want, it will then see and allow you to use the new file, it rebooted and with this i went from a ber of 21000 to 1100 and less, no stuttering on any channel and no Channel not available messages, i used ucode 0010 and the normal cam file included with the image. It's a bit hit and miss but i used this on two dbox which just stopped working within days of each other. If any of you want the sportster image and the driver file i used let me know and il upload them in a zip file, none of the othere fixes to stop the stuttering, click click errors worked and i had them all in the five days i was trying to fix this. The other issue was that the dbox and ntl box where two close together, looped cable rather than split, moved dbox upstairs and issue sorted there also. I LOVE MY SAGEM -- NOW ANYWAY