I have 3 Dboxes around the house, 2 have worked almost perfectly for almsot 2 years now. Very rarely needed to be as much as rebooted. I bought another one lately, but this one seems to between every 2-20 minutes freeze up - the picture and sound stutters and the sound stutter is quite high pitched and irritating. Changing channel does not work. The box needs to be rebooted. I thought this was down to the Dbox and not the signal but I notice it has started on the other Dboxes too. But on these I do not need to reboot even though the software is identical. Is this problem noise on the line and how do I fix it and why does it affect 1 Dbox over another? Thanks. I've tried almost every image going in an attempt to fix it but have had no luck so far.
Every splitter decrease the signal strength and every meter of cable decrease the signal strength. If the signal strength is too weak you get a stuttering/freezing picture or no picture. Try an booster.
try unplugging the other 2 and see if the single one is still dodgy if you are still in doubt, but I would also say it is signal strength. You can check this on any station by pressing red, then blue. Try checking your signal when the others are all on/off. mine is about 2600
Each connection point comes into the house separately and was installed by NTL at different times. There is no splitter used, not my be anyway, if it is split NTL have done it somewhere I don't have access too. I don't know the exact stats now, I'll check them later but off the top of my head they are 0-100, 60000+ & 20000+....the three are plugged into 3 separate connections.