Hi All,im new on here just wonder if anyone has come across a dbox2 that freezes after about 2 hours of use??,tuner fault or software?,im using the commando 6 and have tryed the sportster pro.cheers!!!
could be your UCode - change it - if you go thru the menu (blue button on remote) you need to go into settings for UCode I find UCode 001A it very stable - but you can experiment.
i tryed changing that didnt make any difference,ive noticed that the clock keeps the correct time so i asume the box is not completey frozen,just trying the sportster 1.02 image
whats your dbox model as I have experimented with a large selection of images for the 2 main makers of dbox.. and know what ones work best with box type is it a sagem ? if so what is the number of flash chips you have
Hi mate - I have a Sagem 2x. Which image have you fond most reliable? I am using Sporster 1.7Uk at the moment
How did you get your cam files etc for your Commando image? Did you back them up from your Sporster image? If so, which files did you use?
ok here is what I have discovered after trying out a large selection of images Nokia 2x - Sporster 1.7 UK05 Sagem 2x - Sporster Ultra/1.73 Sagem 1x - Pacino 2 with MgCamD the above images for the boxes hardly freeze and none of the no image on encrypted channel.
I tried to flash the Sporster 1.73 ultra image but after flashing I just got the message 'kein system'. Do you have a link so i could download it again incase mine was corrupt?
the reason you got the keine system was you flashed a 1x image to a 2x dbox or vice vera - when flashing images please ensure you know the number of flash chips in your box.
I've just used an ethernet cable on all other images fine. Why do I need the null modem cable too? Also, I'm trying to convert this 1x to a 2x - can it be done? Cryo_Sportster_Pro_1.02_Ultra1.3b_1x.img Cheers
if its a squashfs no you cant convert it - if its a jffs then yes you can. dont think you can convert that image as its a squashfs root area
Do you know where to download that image of a similar ultra one for 2x? This is the original image it came with from germany so I know its available.
hello!! i have a sagem dbox 2 with commando 6 and it freezes a lot. so zappp64 have you still got the Sagem 1x - Pacino 2 image cause i'd like to watch tv without it always freezing. thanks!!!
can you pm me, we can swap as the one you have the 1x I need and I have the 2x version of the Image Cryo_Sportster_Pro_1.02_Ultra1.4b_2x.img
ok here's one for you,just flashed a dbox2 with the sportster 1.7 uk 05 image and now the service scan is showing satellite info,it wants to scan for the astra 18.3 satellite!!,how do i get it back to cable search?