Hi i wonder iff you could help me i have a really weird dbox issue, i am running a sagem x2 dbox with commando 6 it has worked perfect for about 3 months all channels working great but just in the last week iam finding in the day lots of channels are freezing including FTA channels,i have played around with ucodes cams etc but not much luck but as soon as its about 8 or 9pm everything stabilises signals etc go normal ber between 0-10 etc but in the day signals are allover the place ber very high etc.Can you please hep thankyou in advance
You might need to get a booster. You can get one in argos, if it doesnt help you have the 16day return with them.
it cant be a booster prob as it works perfectly after abot 8 0r 9pm i guess ill just wait and see iff it clears
mine gets jittery at certain times too. I figure the signal is lowered in strength since lots of people on the road are tuned into the same channel. I remember seeing this effect in peoples houses who used cheap splitters. If 2 TVs had the same channel on it would be poor reception. Do you find it goes bad for certain programs? mine goes bad for a morning TV program, and I hear it goes bad for coronation st, & emmerdale, but is fine for other programs.