Ive just purchased the nokia dbox 2 from seller 'mediacompa' on e-bay and wired everything up...BUT it's not picking up ANY channels whatsoever. Im searching both 'CABLEUK SYM6952' AND 'SYM6887' But I get nothing!! It has the sportster image on it and it should be 'plug and play' Ive checked all my connections etc and they are all secure. I have the basic NTL package TV so I know im in a NTL covered area. What do I do now??? If anybody can help please e-mail me on [removed]or if u ring me on [removed] I'll bell you straight back! Whoever helps me theres a few beers in it for you! Cheers lads Paul
Hello mate, the boxes from mediacompa are like rubbish they are used and dont work anymore after few days. BEWARE OF HIM ! I have also bought one of him few days ago and it did not pick up any channels. He has not refundend my money. What an bumhole !
PAUL7331, Sorry for your troubles but you need to read the forum rules buddy. Posting email addies isn't allowed and posting your phone number on a forum isn't wise