Hi all, Was wondering if anybody could help, My dbox is stuck on loading kernel, what can i do?? Thanks
you need to flash it again with IFA I just got a dbox that went as far as loafing neutrino then it restarted again.. this was a infinate loop..a quick flash using IFA fixed the problem http://netwave.redirectme.net/dbox/ifa
You can get IFA from here http://www.dboxservice-hallenberg.de/?referer=dboxifa_menu then if you struggle follow this guide Thanks to Fergalsworld You really need to get a nullmodem cable and your worries will go away but until you do try this. Check you have done all this Go to control panel then network connections right click on local area connect and pick properties. there you will see underneath connect using....your network card next to this will be a configure tab click on it. then click on the advanced tab you need to look for flow control, duplex, media type or connection type drop the value tab arrow down and set to 10baseT_halfduplex or try automatic or autosense Then 1.Install IFA in to C:/ check that IFA has been Added to the exceptions in windows firewall,then turn the firewall off, 2.Disable ALL antivirus programs...If you have any Norton crapware disable worm blocking aswell you might even have to unistall it this includes systemworks aswell there is a removal tool in the downloads to get rid of anything norton leaves behind 3.Disable any popup stoppers. 4.Give your pc network card a static ip. IEC ip: (not needed with ifa but set to this anyway) subnet mask 5.Disable any other network cards you have installed including wireless 6.Disable ics (internet card sharing if available) 7.Ethernet crossover cable connected 8.Nullmodem cable connected if you have one 9.Turn off box, 10.Put Image in C:/ and rename it to mtd3.img 11.Start IFA 12.Select networkcard 13.Tick nullmodem if you have one 14.Select image in C:/ 15.Press ok, if it goes to a comm window turn on the box. 16.If you dont get flashing in the lcd on the box try holding the power and up button in till the lcd goes blank then let go wait about 10 seconds keep trying a few times. Nullmodem cable required to do the following. hold power and up button in till lcd goes blank then let go of power button then up button 2 seconds later it will go through 3 tests in com window then stop at dbox ppcboot> type in "boot net" then press enter if it does not start to flash then something is still blocking the network. Hope this helps.
charlesto - I had the same problem as your recently. And it's true, reflashing with IFA will sort it out and your box will boot normally.. Unless, it seems, you are using Vista. Are there issues with IFA in Vista? Does anyone have a solution? I set it up exactly as in XP, following all the steps as described by renwich above, but it never works.. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/463963