Hi Posted thread last night and thanks for advice, however I think the problem goes deeper. The Dbox2 will turn on but will never load to see anything at all on the TV. Nothing! this doesn't allow me to do anything, access any menus, check/set Ip address or anything. Box simply turns on, shows Betaresearch screen, then the screen shown in beginners manual to indicate debug mode, states Lade..... at bottom of the screen then blank! Previously it would start to load the nutrino image and start up. Now it just gives blank LCD and nothing on TV. Problem started after power cut to Dbox while I was messing about with 'boot with no image' or something like that! Previously, worked fine could connect PC to Box. Advice last night was use Image Flashing Assisstant, which doesn't do anything. I used the DBox2 IFA with no suxccess. Going to try and find another IFA to try again. Any help appreciated1
Thanks I don't have nullmodem cable to try! Need to try and get one tomorrow and give it a go. Anyone else with ideas keep posting! Thanks in advance.
mgb17 - Thank you verrrrrrrrrrrrry much! Got box back up and running1 I now just need to sort out that channels. Thanks