Hi, I'm interested in buying a dbox, but I know absolutely nothing about how to set them up and what you need to set them up!! I've heard a lot of different things about them such as "you need a connection for cable tv" or "you only need telewest broadband to work them..." I have telewest broadband and cable, but was hoping to get rid of cable tv. Can anyone help me on the matter?! What wires do I need?? Is just having telewest broadband enough to work a box?? HELP ME! I know questions like this have been asked before, but I just did not understand most of the answers (sorry).
No problem. You only need broadband to have a signal. Use a splitter and cable to connect the Dbox up. Take the cable from modem and connect it to splitter, use the 2 new leads thus: f-f to modem, f-coax to Dbox. http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=29530&criteria=splitter&doy=16m1 http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=29536&criteria=aerial lead&doy=16m1 http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=29533&criteria=aerial lead&doy=16m1 The FAQ on Maplin site the guy says splitter is not for cable, it IS suitable for cable, I have one and it covers all frequencies.
Thanks a lot for your help, mate!! Was completely unsure before, but now I shouldn't have a problem. Cheers!