DBox2, Network, I.P address, Flashing Problem

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by warbspeed, Jan 14, 2007.

  1. warbspeed

    warbspeed Member

    Jan 14, 2007
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    Hello to all!, i am new to the DBox2 & new to this great forum!

    I have had a Eurovox for a while & decided to buy a Dbox to play with....
    I have read the guides & am a little stuck & confused.

    Its a Nokia 2xI, pre installed with Sportster Pro.
    It scanned when i first got it, but some channels where missing so i rescanned with fast scan off.
    I came back to box to find the menu had gone a funny greenish color/dodgy graphics & no channels found.
    I still get writing in LCD & it boots up but menu isn't right.
    I came to the conclusion the image file is corrupt & need to reflash.

    I have installed a Realtec Network card in my PC & bought a crossover cable & null modem cable.
    I have disabled Firewalls, removed all Norton software, disabled cable modem.
    The guides i read tell me to view the I.P address of the box & make a note of it or 1 even said its not needed with IFA?
    My DBox I.P address had been wiped/vanished.
    I copied the details someone else listed in a thread.
    Network card manually set to I.P : (in card config menu=192.168.100.)
    Subnet Mask :
    Nothing else

    Box I.P :
    Subnet Mask :
    Broadcast :
    DNS :

    I have tried flashing with IFA with Null cable.......it attemps to flash but after waiting a while it says giving up...

    I notice in the com log it seems to be attempting to reach as my I.P??? Should i change I.P of Dbox to that?
    Should the DBox I.P be something else...has Sportster got a specific I.P?
    I'm getting nowhere fast & would really appreciate some help.
    I really want to do this myself!...I'm not giving up yet.
  2. Fekker

    Fekker Regular member

    Jan 5, 2007
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    I have just bought a Nokia Dbox2 and had no problems flashing it. Used Image Flashing Assistant from Hallenberg.com.I used the following procedure;

    1 Disable All network cards except the one connected to Dbox
    2 Unplug DBox from mains
    3 Connect null modem cable and crossover cable
    4 Load IFA and select your image
    5 Select network card to use in IFA
    6 When IFA tells you, click OK and power up Dbox
    7 Dbox will now show in display the Hallenberg/flashing logo
    8 After a few minutes IFA will tell you image transfer successful,close IFA.
    9 Unplug Dbox from mains and back again.

    The Dbox will now be flashed with the new image, all menus will be whatever colour the image was set at, you can change it. IP address will be changed or deleted and can be entered into NETWORK settings. Go to SERVICES and chose a BRUTEFORCE SCAN if available, fast scan off and after 20 minutes all channels will be there. Or you can get a SERVICES.XML & BOUQUETS.XML file for your area and use these instead of scanning, just FTP them to your Dbox into the ZAPIT folder overwriting the existing ones.
  3. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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  4. warbspeed

    warbspeed Member

    Jan 14, 2007
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    Thats what i've been trying but can't ping to box, i need to know what info I.P address etc to give the DBox as there was nothing written there.
  5. Fekker

    Fekker Regular member

    Jan 5, 2007
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    Give the box an IP address similar to the card in your PC, make sure the ethernet crossover cable and null modem cable are seated correctly.
  6. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    PING wont work as IFA does not know the IP Address of the DBox - IFA uses the ARP technique to assign an IP Address to the DBox using the MAC address of the network card of the DBox, therefore PING will failed.
  7. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    just to clarify, people seem to gettting confused with IFA - the way IFA works is it does not know and does not care about the IP Address of the DBox due to the fact IFA operates prior to the network being started on a DBox. Using ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) IFA assigns an IP address from the same subnet of your computer using the MAC Address of the network card on the DBox (MAC Address is not the same as an IP Address). IFA can assign an IP Address to the DBox using the MAC Addresss as a method of knowing where the DBox is on your network. If this fails it uses the null modem connection if you have it plugged it.

    Dont worry about the PING failed when using IFA it will fail.
  8. warbspeed

    warbspeed Member

    Jan 14, 2007
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    Ok, thanks for the help, its a learning curve for sure!
    Good info about ARP.
    So the settings listed in my first question should work?
    In my card Network settings, should i uncheck any boxes? ( i have unchecked QoS Packet Scheduler...any others could be causing probs?
  9. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

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  10. warbspeed

    warbspeed Member

    Jan 14, 2007
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    Cheers Zappp, I've got that guide mate...& probly most of the others... followed it to the letter.
    No joy.
    I'm starting to think ethernet port on the Dbox is fooked, gonna try a new crossover cable first.
    Thanks for help guys.
  11. warbspeed

    warbspeed Member

    Jan 14, 2007
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    Finally sussed my problem so thought i should share the outcome for anyone else experiencing problems flashing.
    I removed all unnecassary programs from my PC to free up sum space & improve performance, defragged etc.
    I also cleared all downloaded files associated with DBox ie different versions of IFA, bootmanager, image files etc.
    I then created a brand new fresh folder in drive C called dbox.
    In dbox i placed freshly downloaded IFA.
    In dbox i open a new folder called dboxboot.
    In dboxboot i place my freshly downloaded image file : commando 6.
    I then opened up PC & moved the Network card to annother PCI slot leaving a gap between the N.I.C & the graphics card (which can run hot).
    I rebooted PC & set up Dbox Network again, i also used my own disk for the N.I.C drivers & used a different crossover cable.
    I followed instructions as per guides/tuts/FAQ's....but,
    after ensuring other Networks disabled, firewalls, antivirus etc off, i used the disable media sensing software then...
    1) i shut down system & connected up Null & crossover cables
    2) i switched PC & Dbox together, & closed programs which start at startup.
    3) then while DBox swiched on i started IFA
    4) I choose image file (in dbox/dboxboot folder)
    5) & correct com port for Null cable selected, i click ok with Dbox still powered up.
    6) when dialogue box comes on to tell you to click ok then swich on dbox.......i power off box at standby button NOT unplug it. Then click ok, then switch box back on with stanby button.
    Flashed 1st time, this time.
    I don't know exactly which thing i did solved my problem.
    But if like me you read the guides over & over & tried again & again to flash without success, i reccomend going right back to basics...worked for me!
    Although.....i am gutted the commando 6 image appears on screen exactly like my sportster pro image ie: dodgy graphics on MENU screen, scans for channels but finds nothing.
    I'm thinking graffics chip fault....but thats another story! & a new thread...after i've done sum more research of course!
    Any noobs reading this (waffle!), i hope it helps, persevere, you'll suss it.
    Thanks for all who replied to my post, cheers.
  12. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    I modified my PDF file few weeks back to reflect that if the process of unplugging the power cable and plugging the power cable back in does not work, the reset method of pressing the standy and up button on the front has been successful.

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