Hi, I have a Nokia Dbox2 running Sportster 1.08 2x. All is fine except I can't turn off the Time that constantly displays in the top right habd corner of the TV. I have checked all the menu's and can't find an option for it. I have searched the forums but can't find any mention of it. Does anyone else have this problem or know how to turn it off. Thanks
If i remember correctly if you press the dbox button on your remote then press the red button, that should get rid of it.
hm i was having that same problem, and it worked for me, so thanks for that. I have another problem, I live in france and the dbox is showing the time for England, i have tryed all sorts to change the time to local, do you have any ideas ? oh and while I am here does anyone know how to put the subtitles on ? thanks for any HELP.............. Pablo
If you got a UK modded sportster delete the file profile.local in /var/etc and reboot the box. Subtitles should be page 888 at teletext or the page number your provider is offering.
Thanks for your help,I have a nokia dbox2 satelite version, with Neutrino.DREAM Plus v2.03beta, I just have it set up to watch free chanel on astra 28.2, do you recomend another Image.oh I and I am still not sure about how to put the subtitles on....? But thanks again anyway..... Pablo
Sorry, I don't know the dream plus image. The dbox support only subtitles via teletext and you have to choose the right page number via teletext.