Hi, just bought a Dbox2 and was wondering whats the best thing to buy so that I can record programs off it, is there anythin, and is it pricey? any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
you can buy an ide interface to connect a hard drive(search ebay) bout 40 euro or you can set up a network connection with your pc and use wingrab
The IDE Interface sounds good, does that mean I`ll be able to record shows and watch them later, just like Sky+?
You can set it up so that it records off your pc's hardrive. Which is also just as good. And FREE lol What sorta HDD You got?
I havent got anything yet other than my nokia dbox2, I`m just wanting to be able to record and playback whatever i want off the dbox, not really wanting to hook it to my pc, is this possible or does it have to go onto the PC? Cheers EDIT:Found the answer in another thread, sorry.
If you aint already got one, you could buy upto a 50m x over cable from ebay depending how far your pc is away from your box. Its always best to go for the hdd , but if you would rather save the pennies then connecting to pc is always better