Strangley, both my Nokia Dbox 2 and mothers Dbox2 have both stopped working with their respective remote controls. The remotes work on others Dbox's, but not these - anyone know how to fix this problem please? Has the Sensor in the Dbox gone kuput! Are these easily replaced / worthwhile in terms of cost - or is it down to the case of getting a new box!? any help much appreciated!
I cant imagine both boxes have went kaput at the same time, Did both have the same image?. You say that the dbox2 remotes work on other dbox's. Do other dbox remotes work on they boxes?
it seems a big coincidence to me too - especially as I have had my box for about 18 months, and its a Nokia, and my mothers is a Sagem and been running ok for 6 months or so. Tried switching batteries - but no luck. Havent as yet tried another Nokia remote to see if it works with my box - but have tried the Sagem remote on another Sagem - and worked ok. Not tried it the other way around though - a different remote on the same box. My Nokia box still works in terms of changing channels on the box itself - but my mothers need reflashing, as the channels went - and i cant reflash without the remote as I need to change the network settings. If it does turn out to be the signal receiver in the box - can these be replaced???
Do you know what her box's original network setting were? if so then just adapt your pcs setting to them. Or you could flash the new sportster image onto her box through IFA and i can tell you the ip of that box so you can ftp your service and boquet.xml files to it
if you could send on the new sportster image with network settings, that would be great! if it only works via the boxes button for now - atleast thats something!! I believe both boxes are 2xintel chips.
There available to download at my site mate. Go to and register, youl then see the downloads section under dbox2 its in there. All the best buddy Ps. You know how to IFA right? lol Its a 2x image
yeah - used the IFA... thanks for the link. Is this image newer than the Sportster 17 UK05 Image? Thats the one I have been using....where do I get the network settings from?
Yip mate its newer than that one. Ip adress - subnet mask - default gateway -
thanks very much the box is working now. the remote still dont work - but thats a different issue - atleast the channels can be changed on the box - better than nothing at the moment. Will try out some different remotes on the box - if that dont work - maybe a new box needed longer term!