DBOX2 Satellite Version

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by WinstonG, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. WinstonG

    WinstonG Guest

    Hello all,

    Can anyone here help me please.

    My friend has a Dbox2 satellite version.

    It came pre-loaded with an image and he has done a scan on both hotbird and astra which finds loads of channels but only a couple actually work.

    Most of the channels just display a blank screen.

    The only channels that work are the ones that do not show a little image of a gold key on the bottom right hand corner of the channel information screen.

    Do I need to install any cams? Can I copy the services and bouquets files from a cable version of the Dbox?

    Am I missing something or just being thick?

    Any help would be gratefully received.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Solo_007

    Solo_007 Member

    Aug 4, 2007
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    I dont think they actullay work mate

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