DCT 6412 Audio Issue

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by wbrennan, Dec 16, 2005.

  1. wbrennan

    wbrennan Member

    Dec 8, 2005
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    I have a digital audio(optical)connection from my DCT6412 box to my surround sound receiver but I can never get surround sound from any of the Tv shows or movies that were made in surround sound. I am able to get stereo or dolby pro-logic sound but never Dolby digital 5.1 surround sound I asked motorola and they said it's the cable company's fault. Cable company says it's a problem with motorolla. They have changed by box but still no TV surround sound. I can get DD 5.1 suround sound ok from my DVD player using the same cable and receiver input so I know it's not that. Has any one else had this problem? Is anyone getting dolby digital 5.1 surround sound on Tv shows from the dct 6412?
    Any help is welcome
  2. pele05

    pele05 Guest

    I work for comcast and I can tell you this, it depends on the network you live in. Some cities don't have the bandwith to broadcast everything. Analog channels won't show up in dolby, there are just stereo. Digital channels are in dolby digital, and high definition are in 5.1 surround. Sometimes 5.1 will show up on a digital station if it is the same broadcast as the high def channel. Eventually everything will be broadcast digital, this will free up a lot of bandwith that the analog channels take up giving more room for high def. Hope that helps

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