Hey man hows it going. Sorry about not reading the other posts, but when I went back and loked through them I found that all you have posted is to load SP1 on their computers. Now I have just done that now what do I do next? Should the drive automatically update to 200GB or do I have to do somehting else? I would greatly appreiciate any help you can give. Thank You Very Much. !!
yes I enjoyed the one before as well but I was advised by someone here to remove it (a Bush fan) because aD is not a political forum. oh well, now I'll take aim at Apple.
I'm a kinda sorta (more than Kerry) Bush fan, but I still take stuff online, and in real life with a pinch of salt. A barrel of salt for politics.
I didn't like Kerry very much either, and I don't have any problems with republicans, I just don't like Bush. He's done nothing good for this country. He hasn't found Osama, he invaded a country for no reason (other than to steal their oil), and he has pushed away foreign relations. Not to mention he cheated his way into office on the first election.
If we stole their oil, why the hell are we paying so much for petroleum products, now? Maybe, because we weren't there to steal the oil?
we haven't yet, but thats one of the main reasons why we did, so its reported. thats the US's payment for "liberating" them. we weren't after those mysterious WMDs we could never find...
Why dont we make a political thread here,, and il tell you why oil prices are so high even after we stole them from iraq,,,, were running out of oil,,,, and the oil companies dont want you to know that.. thats why,, call me crazy,,, but thats why.. and in 10-60 years, dont be supirsed if we do run out of oil...