My work have just replaced their server which is about 5 years old with a new one, and i've taken their old server home with me to see what i can take out of it. I found a Seagate STD2401LW DDS4 Tape Drive which stores on 20gb tapes, or nearly 40gb compressed. I would love to use this as they have given me about 50 tapes as the are useless to them now and it would be handy to backup up all of my things on there. I know i don't need a driver for this piece of hardware as it is connected to a PCI SCSI controller and i believe that creates it's own identification but what do i need to backup onto these DDS4 tapes? What software do i need whilst in windows to complete this task? And also...Is it as easy as using it as normal storage, like a usb flash disk etc where i can read, write, format, copy paste etc, or does it not work like that? I hope someone can help me with this.
That was the first place i went before coming here. There is no information whatsoever about the drive never mind any software to use with it. Has anybody got any idea what to use with it?