I bought a 2.4GHz 24dBi parabolic grid and two linksys routers i was reading some tutorial u can get this usb adapter to hook the antenna to your pc and there was this other way that u can use two routers with ddwrt so i got this 2 linksys routers and i flash them with ddwrt but the tutorials that i was able to find dont really explain what i want to do. what im trying is to hook one of the modems to the parabolic grid and it acts like a internet card then hook the other router to the back of the first and u can share the wireless connection around your house because my kid and girl r always watching nexflix and that slows my internet speed so i want to set this so they can use it for their netflix. The part that im stock is with the settings of the first router. I read the tutorials from the ddwrt site but cant get it to work the second modem i dont think u have to really do anything special in the settings the problem is setting the first router that is hook to the parabolic grid. Can some one link me to a good tutorial or point me in the right way?