Decode DVD time?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by tusken, Dec 23, 2003.

  1. tusken

    tusken Guest

    I just started learning how to back up DVD's. I have a huge question that is bothering me. How long does it take everyone to decode a dvd. I takes me an average 8 hours for 8 gig DVD too decode and burn. Is this normal?
    I'm only have a 733 pentium III and 384 mgs ram. Any other way of speeding things up besides buying a new PC? Thanks
  2. tusken

    tusken Guest

    I should add that I havent made any dvd's yet. I'm burning SVCD because I don't have a burner yet so I'm just using my cd-rw drive and cd-r's. When I get a DVD burner and burner in DVD format copy instead of SVCD will that speed things up? Is LITEON DVD Burner any good? I saw them at Best Buy for $97.00.Thanks
  3. msb5150

    msb5150 Regular member

    Dec 24, 2002
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    Now, since you said you're making svcd's, does that 8 hours included the compressing time? For example, do you rip the dvd, and then process it through dvd2svcd or dvd2avi and then compress it with tmpeg or rempeg or cce or procoder or anyother encoder? Because many of the video compressors take a long time to work. If you're compressing the video with any encoder I know of (besides DVD2One, which doesn't apply) then with your system specs 8 hours seems reasonable. (reasonable meaning it's in the ballpark of expected encoding times)
  4. tusken

    tusken Guest

    I been using DVD Shrink just to see how fast it is for when I buy a DVD burner. To make the Svcd's I'm using DUP-DVD. VCD I can do in about 3 hours but SVCD's take about 8 hours that is compress and burn. My friend has a 2.6 pentium IV, 512 ram and is burning DVD's in about 25 mins start to finish using DVD X COPY. I guess my question is when I get a DVD burner will that speed things up faster than 8 hrs that it takes for me to do a SVCD. Seems SVCD take longer to make than DVD's!
  5. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    I Rip and compress with Shrink in about 20 minutes, burn at 4X with Nero in about 15 minutes. I don't think your computer will support speeds like that. I'm using a Sony VAIO with a 2.53 P4, 1 gig RAM, 105 gig hard drive and an 80 gig external HD. I rip with a Sony CRX300 ROM and burn with a Pioneer A-06.
  6. tusken

    tusken Guest

    That is fast is it because of 1 gig ram.
  7. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    It just seems like people with older systems can usually get them to burn but usually have all kinds of problems and conflicts. This is my first computer and the only upgrades I did were the RAM and the external HD. I would go for a new optical drive, just hang on to it if you replace your computer.
    I was reading a post the other day and someone found a Pioneer A-06 for $110.00 on-line. I don't remember where though, sorry. One other thing, make sure you have enough room on your hard drive to work with.
    Good Luck,
  8. tusken

    tusken Guest

    Did you put A-06 in PC or came with it. You like the unit?
  9. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Hi tusken,
    I bought it off of Ebay and replaced the Toshiba SD5002 burner. The Pioneer has worked perfectly so far. Burning at 4x is awsome. :D
    Best wishes,

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