can i use dvd decryter to decrypt a 7.25gb film stored on my hard drive? I have decrypter installed and it only appears to work on a disk present in your dvd rom, i cant get it to access a video TS-folder stored on my hard drive. I think i need to use this software as the film i have installed won,t play on any of my media players, so i assume this means it needs decrypting first before i can then use dvd shrink to fit it onto a dvdr. I'm having trouble with dvd shrink as well. It tells me that i have 'invalid access to memory location' when i ask it to open the video TS folder on my hard drive. it appears to begin to analyse the file then stops at what appears to be the copyright page and the above message appears. Please help, i know there must be someone out there who is bright enough to help me. cheers xxx
no you can't. I'm including a link on how to use DVD Decryptor. If this doesn't work, ask and I'll help you out. With DVD Decrypter the movie has to be less than around 4.36GB.
Yes I can help you after using DVD Decrypter to decrypt the movie then use DVD Shrink to compress the movie so you can play it in any DVD player. They have a guide that tells you how to use the program. The best part is the program is free just like DVD Decrypter.