Hi again. Looking for some advice from other gamers/PC enthusiasts on a second video card dedicated to PhysX. My situation is: I have a GTX 660 directCUII OC 2GB sitting around. The price they are selling second hand is hardly worth selling for. I'd rather keep it as back up. I'm thinking about using it as a dedicated PhysX card. I've seen the bench test results of this setup and it's impressive but the list of games using PhysX is small. I do own and play a few of those games, some I own but haven't played yet. Are there any downsides to using this setup? other than power consumption? Is it true it will split my PCI bandwidth to 8x? Is PhysX likely to be used much in future titles? Will it hurt primary graphics performance when not in use? Will my PSU handle it without upgrade? My machine consists of: i5 Haswell 2x DDR3 GTX 970 1x optical drive 3x HDD 1x SSD 5x fans + 1 CPU fan PSU is FPS Raider RA750 watt
post in this link. http://forums.afterdawn.com/threads/the-official-graphics-card-and-pc-gaming-thread.647383/