Hi, I have encountered a problem with converting my cassettes to mp3 using Audacity. I have converted 11 cassettes (around 90 minutes per cassette) into mp3, which has all worked fine. However, i've now went back to do some more and the quality that Audacity is playing when recording is totally unlistenable. The cable is the same, I just bought it three or four weeks ago - it's just a male-male audio cable. It's quite short, but I have the stereo next to my laptop just now for this purpose. The cassettes I am using now are actually of better quality than the custom cassettes I was using in the first 11. I know they play and work fine as the stereo plays them in great quality. Does anyone know what I could try to resolve this problem? Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers, Picco
Something is different. Do the cassettes play OK through your computer? What does unlistenable mean? Do you have feed back or some onther sounds that should not be there?
True, there must be something different. Surely the cable can't be damaged or degrading in quality just over the course of a couple of weeks? How do you mean do they play OK through the computer? When Audacity is recording from my stereo I have set the program to play what it records. So what is coming out the speakers in my laptop is really poor quality audio. :-( No feedback issue at all. Any idea what the problem could be? Cheers, Picco