Ok I was using a modded xbox and I didnt want to you it anymore, i accidently deleted my dashboard by deleting the file ert and burnie (something like that) I have a memory card and all of that but no backup files, WHAT DO I DO? PLEASE HELP ME! I tried to put in splinter cell to download a new dash but I can't connect to XBL and troubleshooter takes me to a blank black screen.
thats exactly what happend to me but nobody helped me so i think your best bet is to go onto ebay and buy a orignal xbox hard drive thats what i did it works! and no point going to microsoft they won't help you cause you modded
You'll need a Replacement Dashboard (i.e. EvoX, Avalauch or XBMC), an XBOX Live™ Game Disc (doen't really matter how old), or the 4th DVD from the Starwars Trilogy DVD Boxset. And a copy of Boxplorer. You need to lauch into your faveriote Replacemet Dashbard (whichever that maybe!), Then lauch 'BoxPlorer' from your Applications List. Insert your XBOX Live™ Game Disc. Then point BoxPlorer to D:\ and locate the File called 'Dashupdate.xbe'. RUN IT! By pressing the 'A' Button. That's all there is to it! If you were unfortunate to have done this to yourselvs via a 'Softmod' you can just insert your XBOX™ Game Disc (Whichever one it was), close the Tray and cycle the Power Switch. Then re-run your Save Game Hack again to enter Evox. Where you should be able to regain FTP access. and then hopefully be able to install BoxPlorer to your XBOX™. However doing so will rewrite any 'Softmod' configutation(s) you might have made. Lucky for you that the Save Game Hack still works! Let it be a Lesson to you. And try again. If you not only manged to fuxx0r your Dashboard on C: but also your Gamesaves on E:... Then welcome to your future Modchip! Install that and enjoy!!!
Alright. Two things, if you can load up games, go with "Slayers Auto-installer".. If not Get a copy of "xbhdm" get the back up info you got. Hopefully the "C" and "E".. Take those drop THE FILES into the "C" and "E" folder that came with the "xbhdm" then get your back up info the "HDD Key" aka "HDD Disable Key" and print it out.. Now, click "Make-iso-win" I believe it is, or something along those lines, and burn the ISO it created to a disc.. Now, with your HDD key printed out, and your software in hands, turn off your comp.. Unhook all the drives to your comp, when I mean drives, I mean "HARD DRIVE" place your xbox drive on the MASTER cable, and boot your PC with the disc you made.. Now, at the load-up screen click "Lock and unlock" or something believe it's #3. Once you enter type in "unlockhd -p ########" where "####" type in the HDD key. Now the drive is unlocked, reboot PC, load up the disc you made and go into "option 1" then type in "xboxhd" then at the next screen "build HD from scratch" and with the supplied files from the "C" and "E" folder you backed up the disc remakes it back to normal pretty much.. So after it's done rebuilding the "C" and "E" drive ect ect, you have to "lock" it, so shut down your PC start it back up, press "#3" unlock lock toolz again.. press in "lockhd -p #####"<~~ number is "HDD key" again. Then once it's locked you're good to go.. BTW if during the process your comp tells you the drive is frozen.. You have to either find a older computer, or hotswap. (I hotswap with my HP pent 4) once the computer starts like it says the name of it, mine is HP so the "HP" screen loads, then your program loads. Well after the first screen, hook the ATA cable up quickly to your xbox HD (Have the power cord already hooked up)