ok so i downloaded a mod to my xbox from the action replays community saves....(must have been a dumb move) and i downloaded it and made backups on the xbox...but when i downloaded it i noticed when it was done that it said i had no MS DASH. and i cant use a FTP connection because it must have messed with the IP....everything says that the FTP is enabled but it wont let me get on. so yeah i want to know if there is a way i can get the dashboard back (MICROSOFT'S) through a memory card.. or any possible way...reply to this or email me at punksk8erboy69182@yahoo.com THANKS
yes i can play games i can get back to the installer too but i cant do anything with the dash and there isnt any room to put and games on it i have like 1000 mb left
ohh yeah and i have also pulled all the dash info from my buddys xbox so its all on my computer (dash info) but when i put it on a cd-r it doesnt show up on file manager. it says how big the cd is but not the actual files.. PLZ HELP!
When you load the softmod installer, can u ftp? If not your going to need a restore disk such as Slayers Evox.
no i cant do any kind of FTP with the mod installed thats really my biggest concern otherwise i really wouldnt care too much about not being able to go to ms dash.. hmm ill google the slayer disc and ill try that and ill let you know if i got it running or not. thanks
if you can get to the softmod installer menu then just restore your ms backup that you already backed up(i hope). then just reinstall the softmod, and choose to install evox or whatver to e.
something called softmod installer deluxe i think....thats what it said when it went into idol... but what i did was i deleted everything in my c:\ drive and i got all the files from my friends xbox and loaded it in from the D:\ to the C:\ and now it works fine....but i want to still mod it...any suggestions of what site i should download the linux installer from? but yeah the FTP wasnt working...it gave me ip's lik and it wouldnt connect...usually everytime i have done it its been or something within the 2 last digits..
now i have just installed a new mod called SID4 much easier to deal with but only one problem.. for some reason it is still giving me a ip address that cant link up to FlashFXP its giving me a bogus... soo yeah.. can anyone help me with this? all my info says its enabled..