I am running Windows XP Home Edition, and i am curious if this version comes with any Duplicate File Detection and or ( deletion ) programs that might be hidden in the System Tools registry. the issue i have is searching the entire comp for duplicate files, this comp is only 2 years old, and is still relatively new. I am curious as how to clean them up... One problem i have is when i attempt to run the "disk cleanup", the computer seems to freeze 5% into the scan and i always have to exit the task.
If you're uncomfortable editing the registry. Go to the link below and scroll down to 48 and you'll see the "Disk Cleanup - Compress Old Files Freezes" Fix in the right column, download it and run it which should correct your problem. Just click on the words "Disk Cleanup-Compress Old Files Freezes" not the underscored word "Undo". "To use the Regedits: Save the REG File to your hard disk. Double click it and answer yes to the import prompt. http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_tweaks.htm Get back to me afterwards.
I am not sure if anything happened when i attempted to install and run the link... i saved it when it prompted me to... a window appeared asking me if i wanted to add the file to the registry, i said ok then after that , another window opened and said the file has been added to the registry, when i clicked "run" the same thing happened i then went to my disk cleanup, to see if this was added and could not find it, am i doing anytihng wrong, how do i run this program?
After installing the fix, does your Disc Cleanup work now? You say the computer is two years old. Have you ever performed a complete system recovery since you've had it?
Disk Cleanup is useless. helpme01: If you want a straightforward way of deleting duplicate files, download Easy Cleaner. It's free, it cleans your registry, and it scans for unnecessary and duplicate files. Been using it for ages, works great. Here's a link: http://www.download.com/ToniArts-EasyCleaner/3000-2094_4-10522776.html