Hello. My sister has a Dell Dimension 2400 with a 2.2Ghz Celeron, 128 MB RAM, and running Windows XP Pro. She is away at school, and I have no actual access to it. The main problem is that she is unable to view any websites. She has a cable connection, and she cal still use AIM, so I know the computer can get online, but every time she tries to go on a site, all she gets is a white screen. The computer was recently formatted and Windows XP Pro was installed on it by a professional. I am at a loss as to what the problem is. Any help is great. And second, as I stated, it only has 128 MB of RAM. I am going to get more memory for it, but does anyone know exactly what RAM is needed to a Dell Dimension 2400? I believe it needs SDRAM, but I do not know exactly what to buy. Thank you for your time.
can't do anything on 1st problem thinking about it but the memory you need is ddr ram not sd ram according to this link http://www1.us.dell.com/content/products/productdetails.aspx/dimen_2400?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs . so you'll pc2700 ddr ram as is probably in pc now
Have you tried resetting the web browser? General Tab: clear history, cookies, and temp files. Security Tab: set all to default Privacy Tab: set to default Connections Tab -> LAN Settings: make sure everything is blank Programs Tab: reset web settings Advanced Tab: Restore Defaults.
Flip, I sent that info to her, and she said that none of the settings (clear history, cookies, etc.) are their. So that ain't gone work. But thank you all for trying.
She said she did. But I have no way on knowing. Next week I am going to drive her home for Thanksgiving, so I can take a look at it then.