Hi, I want to get a cheap internal SATA +/- burner. I found these Dell burners (Part #: 10011391 and Dealer Part #: 10011379). Does anyone know anything about these drives? They should work on any version of XP right? Thanks, B
If you mobo supports it then yeah they will work. However, why do you want a SATA drive over IDE. Allthough SATA is a bit "faster" it makes no real diff for dvd drives, unlike it deos for HDDs. SATA drives are also relitively new tech so not known by lots of people. Also, the likelyhood is that a "dell drive" is not infact dell's own but another drive "rebadged" to say it is. And as they are cheap, not going to be great are they... I'd not bother with it and get an IDE drive. Get back to me.
They're most likely NEC. At least, that's what Dell's been using for years. Those burners are a ripoff; $45 for their lowest-priced burner? Please! A good burner runs about $33 at mwave.com or chiefvalue. You'll sometimes find the awesome NEC ND-3550A at Tigerdirect for $20 after rebate, $40 without. Maybe for Black Friday. And you won't have a burner hogging a precious SATA port. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/Category/category_tlc.asp?CatId=4 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1740403&Sku=L12-1076