I (actually my uncle) used my Panasonic Camcorder to record my brother's wedding ceremony last Saturday. When he got to the end of the disc (a Sony single sided, single layer 8cm disc) the camera gave him a message "this disc is not compatible." Now, when you load the disc into the camera, it takes a very long time trying to read it, before again displaying a message that the disc is not compatible. There is no way to finalize the disc, and thus no way to view it in a DVD player, and the video camera does not display any of the footage that was recorded. I know that there is information on the disc because you can tell the disc was written to, but without the camera being able to display or finalize it, there's no way to view it. The Sony disc I used is a type that I have used many times before (and the reception was filmed with the same kind of disc and came out fine). Is there anything out there that can help me? Money is no issue - this is the only copy of their wedding ceremony, and I'm absolutely desperate to recover it. Thank you.
I'm pretty much a newbie when it comes to burning DVD's. Are there services that I could hire to do this? Would the Geek Squad at Best Buy be worth a look? Thanks for your help.