Desperately Seeking 'Prog Scan' & 'Manual Shutter Speed'

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by impulseg, Apr 7, 2004.

  1. impulseg

    impulseg Member

    Apr 7, 2004
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    I have avidly used the Sony TRV 900 for 5 years, but now find it obsolete and impossible to get hold of new stock.

    For me the essential features are the Progressive Scan mode and the option to manually adjust the shutter speed as I see fit.

    The TRV 60 & 80, whilst offering Progressive Scan, have only 'set' general shutter speed options such as the 'sport mode' which varies from 215 - 3,500 (way too much variation for contrasting conditions) and as far as I know there is no way of 'locking' it into a set shutter speed.

    The TRV 950, pitched as the replacement to the TRV 900, does not have a Progressive Scan mode.

    Any help or advice as to where I may get new TRV 900's or its like for like replacement in relation to my requirements would be gratefully received.

    Many Thanks
  2. impulseg

    impulseg Member

    Apr 7, 2004
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    I take it by the lack of response that there is probably no replacement for the TRV 900 features that I require.........................................over to e-bay I go.

    Many Thanks.

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